The FDA does not require under the law a premarket approval of cosmetic product labeling. It is the manufacturer’s and/or distributor’s responsibility to ensure that products are labeled properly. Failure to comply with labeling requirements may result in a misbranded product.
If you are exporting your products to the United States, proper labeling is an important aspect of putting a cosmetic product on the market.
It is illegal to introduce a misbranded cosmetic into the United States commerce, and such products are subject to regulatory action.
Cosmetics which may be hazardous to consumers when misused must bear appropriate label warnings and adequate directions for safe use. There are special font sizes and special locations where these warnings should be placed. Techlink International can assist you in creating a complaint label. Cosmetics in self-pressurized containers (aerosol products), feminine deodorant sprays, and children’s bubble bath products are examples of products requiring such statements.
The TechLink International staff of translators and graphic designers has prepared hundreds of cosmetic labels. You provide the original information, and will receive from us an FDA-complaint version of your label, ready to be printed.